Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Literacy Plan Essay

As I am starting to learn the basics of how to become an effective teacher, I am learning what type of teacher I am and what type of teacher I want to be. Growing up, aspiring to be a teacher, I never thought teachers had to learn how to do some methods I have seen. For example, teachers always knew how to capture the students’ attention again after the children would get off task. I thought this skill came naturally to teachers and I would obtain it with time. On my adventure of this learning process of becoming a teacher, I have learned this skill is something you learn how to do and there are many other skills to learn along the way. These skills and methods come from multiple studies and research done by theorists over the decades. Learning all these theories at first was overwhelming, but over time I got a grasp on the basics of just a few theorists and their theories. There are so many researchers that have put their opinions out in the open for teachers to take into account and work from. There is Vygotsky, Cambourne, Holdaway, Piaget, Skinner, and Dewey just to name a few! After acquiring this basic knowledge of some theories, I have come to realize that there is one theorist’s methods I agree with the most when it comes to teaching literacy. This theorist is Brian Cambourne. Cambourne is an educational anthropologist from Australia who has emphasized his research in literacy learning. He has come up with many conditions pertaining to literacy learning. His theory compliments my beliefs the best, compared to the other theories I have learned about. I believe in having students experience different types of literature. This process allows students to become familiar with different ways of writing, and how to say things in many different ways. This also gives them a chance to figure out what style of language they like best and grasp an idea of what type of literacy come easiest to them. When students understand more types of literacy, it vastly opens up their range of vocabulary that can only benefit them in the future. This condition of students exploring all types of literacy is what Cambourne calls immersion and I find it to be a step that does not seem to be obvious to children. I feel students do not know when they are looking at different types of literacy. I believe in making an effort in explaining what type of material the students are reading from, rather than just handing them something and telling them to read it. This is the reason why I believe demonstration is the next big important process. Demonstration is a very important step in my eyes for literacy learning. Demonstration is modeling literate behaviors, formally and informally (Cambourne). I personally am a visual learner and prefer to have the teacher model what I am going to do before I have to employ it on my own. When a model was not available to me, I would become stressed and overwhelmed with this feeling of not knowing what I am doing. I do not want my students to become frustrated when they are reading and writing; I want them to enjoy it and be excited about it. Therefore, when I become a teacher, I especially want to practice Cambourne’s condition of demonstration by having a whole group lesson in order to formally demonstrate for my students. This can be done while the students are at their desks, but I believe having this process done in a carpet area reminds students that what I, the teacher, am about to say is important to hear. Also, I believe in the saying, â€Å"monkey see, monkey do. † Therefore, I believe a teacher should always speak proper grammar, self-correct, and demonstrate reading strategies at all times in front of the children because they are going to mimic what they hear and see the most by the adults in their lives. After a demonstration is complete, I believe an expectation of what the students should know is built. Cambourne believes this condition of expectation is that the students â€Å"get the message†. I believe that if a teacher’s demonstration was done correctly, the students will know that information and the teacher can expect them to know it. Not only does expectation build, but I believe the responsibility the student has for knowing what him/herself can accomplish grows. This process of being responsible for their own learning, I believe, does not come naturally. I think the teacher must allow these students to take on these responsibilities themselves. For example, if a teacher never lets a student choose their own book, that student will never gain the responsibility of knowing what books are right for him or her or learn how to pick the right kind of book for him or her. Learners will choose what they will explore intellectually as they go through literate behaviors (Cambourne). Once students have become aware of the skills that are being demonstrated to them, I believe the next important step is allowing students time to practice what they have learned. Cambourne calls this condition employment. I am a strong believer in â€Å"practice makes perfect†. I understand that nothing is perfect and there is always room for improvement. So maybe â€Å"practice provides improvement† is a better quote to go by. A learner will never become better at what they are learning if it is not practiced. With students practicing what they have learned, mistakes happen. This condition is what Cambourne calls approximation. I believe it is a good thing to let the learners make mistakes as they are exploring literacy because they will only learn from it! I know that when I become a teacher, I want to stress that making mistakes is okay and will benefit anyone because they will only learn from it. I could even purposely make mistakes in order to model self-correction as well. But learners will only understand their mistake when feedback is given in a timely fashion. Coming to Alverno, I have probably received the most feedback I ever have here compared to the rest of my educational career. I have come to firmly believe that feedback provides new knowledge for learners because it brings another perspective into their personal work. My feelings about feedback correspond with Cambourne’s condition called response. He believes this feedback should come from someone with more knowledge, such as a teacher. I want to make sure I conference with each of my students, individually, in order to look over what they have been working with and provide timely, appropriate feedback. I feel these conferences build a student’s confidence by being told what they are doing well, and they get to understand what kind of mistakes they are making in order to fix them and grow. After reading over Cambourne’s theory, there was nothing I could not agree with. I remember while I was reading it, all I could say was, â€Å"yes, yes, and yes! † I do have to say developing my philosophy about literacy learning was a challenge. I feel like I am still developing my philosophy, but I have a grasp on my basic beliefs for my future teaching career. I know what kind of teacher I would like to be and when reading Cambourne’s theory I could picture myself doing each condition and feeling proud by teaching literacy in such a way.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Execution of Strategy Essay

Executives, or corporate-level managers, are in charge of many things governing the success of the company as a whole. Among these are developing a strategic vision and business mission, setting objectives, crafting a strategy, implementing and executing a strategy and evaluating the performance of the strategy. Strategies are especially important because of the value-creation process that occurs because of it. Sometimes, though, execution of strategies fail and the question here is â€Å"why? † One possible reason is that the strategies developed by the executives are too broad and do not take into consideration the environment of the firm at the operational level, which is the lowest level and the closest to the markets. One possible way to curb this problem is through a bottom-up approach, wherein the operational-level managers submit their proposed strategies and the corporate-level managers evaluate and approve these, or the top-bottom-top approach, wherein the corporate-level managers forward their suggested strategies to the operational-level managers, who make changes accordingly, and evaluate the said changes before approving the strategy. Supple Supply Chain According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (2007), the term ‘supple’ means to be able to easily adapt to new circumstances. When we say that a supply chain is ‘supple’, we simply mean that a firm is very flexible in terms of its ability to synchronize its functions and those of its’ suppliers to match the flow of service, information and materials with cutomer demand. A firm’s environment is constantly changing, especially in our day and age with the advent of technology which brings about major changes to the flow of communication. A firm that cannot take advantage of these changes is sure to fail. For example, the Daimler-Chrysler Corporation had a major problem with regards to the delay in production when a certain portion of its parts was just a tiny bit too large or too small; it would have taken ages for changes to be made. Today, however, using a program called ‘Powerway’, which ables the firm to collaborate more easily with their suppliers, the firm can now avoid delays by forseeing the problem and adjusting accordingly before it even occurs (Mayor, 2007). The best strategy a firm can employ to ensure a supple supply chain is to take advantage of the advancing technology, as the Daimler-Chrysler Corporation has done. The new programs developed by the IT industries offer a way for firms to know and understand the production and business processes to allow for quick response to changes in the firm’s market (Mayor, 2007). One thing to understand, though, is that one should not confuse a ‘supple supply chain’ with a ‘responsive supply chain,’ because a responsive supply chain is a strategy of the firm to counter uncertain demand wherein a supple supply chain is a characteristic of the supply chain. Reference

My trip to Rome (Roma)

It was the night of my dad's birthday that my godmother Jill explained how she had free air miles, and wondered if there was somewhere I'd most like to visit? Jill had already invited my mother to go with her. I replied, â€Å"I'd love to go anywhere†. â€Å"What about you where would you like to go the most,† I said. Her answer to this was â€Å"I would love to go to Rome† and I said, â€Å"That's where we should go†. By the time we got to the airport I was feeling rather hungry. I kissed and said good-bye to dad. Jill, mum and I waved goodbye to dad and headed in to the airport. Once we got in side it was really busy. It was hard to get through the people queuing up waiting to check in, so we squeezed through the people to the right checking desk. As we waited for our turn, even though it was busy we got our tickets and passports ready to show the lady behind the desk. When we finally made it to the desk we handed in everything and we where checked in in no time. After doing this Jill led us to the exclusive lounge. This is because she uses this airline a lot, which means she can sit in the lounge and have food and drink depending on what time of day it is. Here we waited and ate our breakfast before we were called for boarding. After an hour and half's wait we were called to board our flight. I grabbed my case and braced my self for the flight as we walked to the boarding area. We showed our tickets at the boarding desk and walked down the tunnel to the plane and took our seats. As I sat there looking out through the small window I started to feel nervous, but it was ok because mum and Jill reassured me. However, I was still a bit nervous and I found it hard to breathe as it was quite packed. When we started to takeoff I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and felt as if was going to pass out but luckily I didn't. I stared out the window as the land below became smaller and smaller. A little while in to the flight they hostesses came round with food and drinks for us, which was really enjoyable and tasty. For the rest of the flight I fell asleep and by the time I woke up we were in the motion of landing. Once we had landed and it was safe to leave our seats we left the plane and went to collect our cases. Then we boarded the airport train, which took us to the main train station where we went on a train to Rome. When we arrived at Rome's train station we had to walk down along platform, which was very busy, and we had to avoid being trampled by the herds of people that were heading towards us. Luckily once we were outside the train station we didn't have far to walk before we were at our hotel as it was only a couple of roads away. When we arrived at the hotel we went straight to the front desk to sign in and get the key to the room we were staying in. We took the lift to the third floor. Mum opened the door and I went in first and sat my case on the floor. Jill and mum followed after me. Jill and mum decided it would be a good idea if we unpacked and have a rest before we went out for our meal. We walked down the stairs to the ground floor and handed our key in before we left the hotel. As we walked we discussed where we were going to eat. Jill suggested that we eat at the restaurant just round the corner and that's where we went to eat that night. When we arrived there was an old man playing beautiful Italian music on his violin. We sat out side, as it was a warm night and there was good music. Jill tried to order dinner in Italian but to our surprise the waiter spoke better English than we did. For our appetiser we had thin dried ham and juicy orange melon. I wasn't sure about it but once I tasted it was really delicious. The second course I had pizza, which was delicious also because it had a buttery cheese topping on a really thin crisp base. By the time we had finish our meal it was late and we were all tired so we went back to the hotel to sleep. The morning after arriving in Rome my deep sleep was interrupted by the loud chiming of the church bells. I got up and went to see mum and Jill in the other room. I went into their room. They looked at me tiredly and I smiled at them. I said morning and went into the bathroom. When I came out they were dressed and ready to go down and have breakfast, so I changed into my clothes and followed them down to the restaurant. After we had eaten we went back to our room and got our things ready for the day ahead. Mum and Jill had planned what we were going to see the night before. The first thing we were going to see was the Trevi fountain and that's where we headed. When we arrived at the Trevi fountain it was swarming with people selling goods, advertising their restaurants, people who giving tours and people who had just come to see the fountain. Once we were closer I understood why there were so many people who had come to see the fountain. It was a wonderful and beautiful sight. The sculpture and the size were amazing. But there was one thing missing which would of given the full affect of the fountain ‘the water'. There was no water to be seen in it at all because it was being cleaned. We took a few pictures and headed to the next thing on our list, which was The Spanish Steps. When we arrived there the first thing that grabbed our attention were the monumental steps. As I looked up the steps I could see the church of SS. We walked up the steps to the church and had a look inside. After looking round the church we come out and walked back down the stairs and headed back to the hotel. As headed back we past the Trevi fountain that was now full of water and as it had gotten dark it was all lit up. This made it even more beautiful than be for and we stood and looked at it and toss a coin into the water of the fountain and made a wish. Over the next four days we were woken up at seven in the morning to the church bells chiming and going out at about half nine. We visited many of the main tourist attractions such as, Vatican City where we saw St. Peter's church and walked up the 320 steps to the top of the building, which was hard work, but the view was breath taking. We also walked around St Peter's square where people were having tours into The Vatican, which we joined. Inside The Vatican it was huge and the detail and sculptures were incredible. We also visited the Sistine Chapel after it had been restored to its original colours and the paintings were astonishing. When you looked up at the ceiling you could tell that each painting got bigger and bigger. This is where Michelangelo realised that the first scene was too small and made the next one bigger and so on. Then we went to The Colosseum where they were restoring it to its original state. But they've had to redo I what they had done because they had restored it wrong. We walked in and around The Colosseum where we took pictures and took in the remarkable building. We went from there to The Roman Forum where the remains of ancient Temples of all ages were still standing at incredible highs. The next thing we visited was the Monument to Victor Emmanuel ll. The size of this monument was the size of the houses of parliament. Then we went in to the Pantheon, which is also a monument. As we went inside this building the sculpture was startling. When I looked up, I noticed this hole in the roof that actually lets in the rain when it does. Following the Pantheon we visited Piazza Navona. This is a square with three big fountains going down the middle of it. We also visited the Villa Bognese garden, which was enormous. We walked through the garden as the sun shone through the leaves on the trees which sent a warm happy felling though my body. It such a beautiful day we found a mini restaurant in the garden, which we sat out side of with a cold glass of water each. We walked around the garden we notice that the pond had lots of terrapins rest on rocks in the sun. We took a few pictures of them and then sat by a little fountain and rested in the shaded to cool down. We on through the garden and found our selves out side of a zoo. We then decided to sit down and read a book but Jill when to sleep instead. Once we were relaxed and hungry we went into the town and had lunch. When we had finished our lunch we head back to the hotel. After visiting each of these places we would have meals at different Italian restaurants where we ate proper Italian foods and wines. The food was filling and really got you taste buds tingling. Jill and I had Italian ice cream whenever we had the chance. We tasted all sorts of flavours which where really yummy. At the end of our trip we still couldn't speak great Italian but we all enjoyed our selves. We will treasure the time we had there.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Business Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business Strategies - Essay Example This essay discusses ways to develop and execute different Business Strategies. In the process of developing a Business Strategy the firm uses its competencies to gain, sustain and enhance its strategic or competitive advantage. The source of competitive advantage for any business operating in an industry arises from the skillful use of its core competences. A combination of organizational behavior and resources ultimately leads to the development of capabilities that a firm used to build competencies. These competencies are used to gain a competitive advantage against rivals in an industry. Competitive advantage results in above average returns to the company. Businesses need a set of strategies to secure competitive advantage. The concept of strategies is not consensual in nature and has significantly evolved during the past decades, influencing the development of business strategy theories. In literature, it is usually considered that one can distinguish four main theoretical appr oaches to business strategies. These business strategy theories can be grouped into four main approaches: 1. Classical; 2. Evolutionary; 3. Processualist; and 4. Systemic. All these approaches are covered in this essay as well as concepts developed by the main thinkers associated with these four main approaches: Chandler, Ansoff, Porter, Cyert & March, Mintzberg, Pettigrew, Hannan & Freeman, Williamsons, Granovetter, Whitley. This essay also states that the nature of the power balance within organizations is an important consideration when discussing strategy development. ... According to Mintzberg (1998), strategy emerges from a pragmatic process of learning and adaptation. |in fact, the focus of this approach is the enterprises internal resources and their capacity to generate the firms' competitive advantage. This implies that strategy is all about long term construction and consolidation of distinctive internal competences. In the same way evolutionary strategies theories during 1980's state that environment is normally unpredictable to anticipate effectively and hence future oriented planning becomes unrealistic. It is the market which makes the important choice not the managers as established by the classical approach. For long term survival basically depends on best strategy which concentrates on maximizing chances of survival. The only real comparative advantage is relative efficiency; hence managers must concentrate on cost leadership. In 1990's the systemic approach emerges, taking the relativist position and considering that the objectives and practices of strategy depends on the cultures and powers of the respective local systems. Strategies may pursue objectives other than profit maximization if their social background frames other interests for them (e.g. personnel pride, managerial power, excellence). In this view, the parameters that guide strategy drive not so much from human cognitive bounds as from the cultural rules of the local society. As a result companies from different systems have different strategies i.e. strategies vary according to socio-political-economic systems & geographical locations. Almost all the strategies basically focus on private organizations and on competitive markets and consider profit maximization as their ultimate aim of strategy

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Rebuilding Community Using positive Psychology Essay

Rebuilding Community Using positive Psychology - Essay Example One is left wondering how such a humanitarian and natural catastrophe could conspire to create a living hell, with flooding that stretched beyond 90,000 square miles and creating a human displacement of 400,000 people. Hundreds of thousands of residents lost jobs. In a nutshell the happening of the disaster teared apart the social fabric as ruthless as the physical infrastructure. In reality this is a spiritual dent that is firmly embedded and forever shall ring on the minds of the masses and transcending beyond various manmade stratums in life. Yet this agonizing aftereffect leaves an awkward experience to the urban planners, Policymakers. According to Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, the analogy here is that the current state of living in Katrina at the bottom of Maslow's law of hierarchy of needs. Thus the superdome city has become an abyss of suffering, desperation and despair. The worst tragedy is the mayhem created by hoodlums who crept out from their dark hiding places to their new freedom of looting and raping the helpless vulnerable Katrina Survivors and ignorantly exposing the dark belly of New Orleans. William C Compton (2001) It is now evident that Environmental catastrophes unfold in different shapes and sizes that cannot be contained by human ingenuity; this can be quantified with the concurrent striking of tsunami in Katrina, Indonesia, Kobe Japan among many places. Therefore rebuilding Katrina to its former, and better stature goes beyond brick and mortar. Posttraumatic syndromes need a specialized approach in combating the menace. Kolk's classic article, "The Body Keeps the Score," Harvard Review of Psychiatry, Jan-Feb 1994, 253-65). Reports that Trauma alters limbic system structures (involved in various emotions such as aggression, fear, pleasure, and also in the formation of memory) in ways that are not easily corrected through talk or self-reflection. This calls for probing of highly sophisticated positive psychiatry modalities that have the ability to rapidly counter maladaptive hyperarousal in the limbic system. This abolishes the preconceived illusion that is rides on the notions that outlive s the materialistic view of food; medical treatment and shelter as the only requirements needed by refugees of Hurricane Katrina. Energy Psychology Therapy With limited psychiatry centers, it is therefore a collective responsibility for clinical psychiatrist's from myriad backgrounds and the community at large to integrate Energy psychology, a discipline that utilizes cognitive interventions, combined with methods derived from acupuncture, acupressure, and related systems. - In treating emotional and behavioral problems. Historical records indicate that the approach has had a remarkable achievement as post trauma psychological intervention in the wake of natural and human disasters in the Congo, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Mexico, Moldavia, Nairobi, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, and Thailand and probably it will bring optimistic changes upon the Katrina's. Energy psychology is an approach to psychotherapy and emotional self-management that uses the stimulation of "energy points" on the skin for the purpose of changing specific emotional response patterns (Gallo.F.P 2004). Stress Debriefing and Cognitive Behavior This approach was founded and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Research Paper on Data Mining Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

On Data Mining - Research Paper Example This marks their preferences which are used for understanding how often they would shop, where they travel to for getting a brand and what kind of price they are ready to pay for obtaining the said product. Data mining has come of age because it has been linked up with understanding the people in particular and how they employ the basic dictum of buying and selling. This also helps the companies to comprehend how well their target base is shifting its basis and what kind of changes are happening within their fore. The manner in which this personal information is being made use of suggests that the unethical norms and routines are on the upsurge, and these need to be controlled for all the right reasons. Data mining is important to understand because its usage has been openly discussed, criticized and analyzed upon. It has touched upon the significant pointers which have paid emphasis on the way the user privacy levels have been transgressed upon of late, and how these have meant seri ous problems for them; no matter they are available in a physical form or a virtual one (Greenberg, 2006). The data mining procedures are usually given the cover by the people who conduct the same. They believe that it is an ethical process which is good for the company and hence they go about conducting the same business data mining activities. Also they believe staunchly that they must know more in order to give back towards their own business entireties. The personal information that has been saved by the companies in the wake of the data mining procedures is somewhat of a confusing debate. This is because the data mining activities shall be the cornerstone of their reaching towards new and unique customers of products and services. By this, they can find out how the new and unique customers would have their respective preferences and how this shall help the brand (and the company) to develop as a result of the same undertakings. For the users, they seem to be living in an unprot ected zone. This is because they are unaware who is secretly tracking their information and which individual or company is trying its best to reach out to this user in the future. There is a sense of susceptibility with regards to the users when they are unaware of who is going to contact them next and in what capacity this contact will be established. Perhaps, it is about time that the companies realized that there must be an ethical way to bring about contact with the people than merely reaching out to them as strangers. However, much needs to be understood and that too in a proper manner to achieve sound results (Gopalani, 2011). The personal information is important for everyone because it changes the course of one’s entirety. If this is compromised upon, it will mean that the people are being taken for granted by these companies, which is simply deemed as unacceptable on their part. The data mining techniques might look very glamorous to these companies but what they see m to forget is the fact that these companies have a major responsibility to take care of. The reason why people seem to be not protected from the data mining techniques which are in use is because they know already that their information and private data is being compromised upon, and hence the need to set things right. The privacy levels will resolve quite a lot of problems if there are concerted efforts made by the data mining

Friday, July 26, 2019

Teams Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Teams - Research Paper Example They are rewarded for mastering a variety of skills needed to meet team performance goals. To lead effective teams, leaders must understand successful elements of a good team because leader can effectively teach only what they consistently model. Leader’s action, behaviors and decisions have direct impact on team members. A leader having knowledge on team processes and dynamics is the key to having an effective team based organization (Lussier & Achua, 2009). A strong leader has all the qualities of effective team player. A team player is usually a contributor to overall success of a group-work, whereas a leader is a key influencer of the overall success and agenda for the group. A leader sets an example for team members. A leader is not only responsible for his/her actions but also for entire team. The Leader Exchange Model or Vertical Dyad Linkage Theory discover how leaders and managers develop relationship with their team members and explains how those relationships can contribute to growth. The theory states that all relationship between managers and subordinates go through three stages: Role-Taking, Role-Making and Routinization (Griffin & Moorhead, 2011). Role-taking occurs when team member joins group and manager evaluate member’s skills. In Role-Making, new member start working on project and manager expect new member will work hard and prove trust-worthy. During this phase, group members are divided into two groups: In-Group and Out-Group. In-Group team member receive more attention and support, and more opportunities from their managers whereas in Out-Group, members get very less consideration and opportunities. In Routinization, routines between team members and managers are established. The limitation of Leader-Member Exchange Theory is that it assumes all team members are equally trustworthy. Although we may like to think that everyone is honest, but reality is different! Managers need to get the best possible outcome, that is,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Accounting Ethics and Impact on Business Performance Term Paper

Accounting Ethics and Impact on Business Performance - Term Paper Example This paper seeks to explain the relevance and need to embrace these ethical practices and their impact on the general business performance. Accounting ethics are moral values that govern the profession of accounting. They can also be described as judgments that apply in course of undertaking accounting tasks (Saleemi, 2002). These ethics have become accepted globally by government agencies and companies and help instill some degree of discipline both at organization level as well as employee level. Embracing these ethics cannot be ignored at this time of global economic crisis caused by malicious employees who collude with others and form cartels that have ripped off organizations and government resources leading to complete collapse or closure of once profit-making companies and organizations. Driven by the need to earn profits, an organization should also strive to ensure that shareholders’ interests are met. These interests vary among individual shareholders and as such acc ounting ethics in an organization are paramount in meeting these. It is with regard of its importance in controlling and monitoring the accounting profession that this paper concurs with adherence to accounting ethics. Accounting Ethics Lead to Better Management and Profitability There are shareholders whose interest is in the capital gains from the company. Pandey (2003) states that if the motive behind investing in a company is driven on capital gains, then the shareholders are likely to have a keen interest in the dividend policy of the organization. Accounting ethics in this case would strive to ensure proper reporting of the accounting statement. Alternately, there are another group of stakeholders or investors who are mostly concerned with a company’s management style and hence would demand that accountants have the necessary skills to help them undertake their task in the most professional way. All government bodies and companies have set ethical measures for the pract ice of this profession. These include competence, confidentiality, integrity, objectivity, timeliness, full disclosure, materiality and many others which are to look in the discussion. At the height of growing concerns of whether or not ethics play a role in companies’ management, the duty to ensure that all works well rests with the management. Everything progresses or fails due to the management and as such it is paramount to ensure that all ethical practices begin with them (Carbone, 2012). Business is not all about making profits but also how the company is perceived in the general business environment (Belkaoui, 1992). Most of the organizations are driven by the desire to retain their clients. This begins right from the way such clients are handled and their needs met. There are cases of companies that have embarked on this journey of adherence to accounting ethics and as such have reaped a lot of benefits over the years. Some of these are Safaricom Ltd, Sammer Group of Companies, Equity Bank, Kenolkobil, British American Tobacco, Oldmutual Investment Services, Kestrel Investment Services, and British American Insurance (Garrison, 2009). Safaricom has been applauded for observing high standards of integrity in customer relations. This extends from the way they respond to client complaints to the preparation of their accounting statements (Ferugson, 2007). The company has been the most profitable company in Eastern Africa for the past seven years maintaining the lead even in economic recessions as experienced since 2011(Kieso, 2009). Their

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Application of Information Technology in the Workplace Essay

The Application of Information Technology in the Workplace - Essay Example Also made possible with the availability of computer technology specifically with the development of IBM AS/400 computer and Microsoft's Windows NT which allowed software packages to become more and more user-friendly, ERP has developed to the point that it has become industry specific making it possible for ERP package to be designed to address one's specific industry idiosyncrasies. (Brown and Vessey, 2003) ERP is actually an improved version of Business Resource Planning (BRP) which came from Material Resource Planning II (MRPII) which is in turn a descendant of the Material Resource Planning (MRP). All of these are essentially computer-based approaches to scheduling and planning of material requirements and inventory. ERP has been regarded as the "answer" to the productivity and economic troubles of service and manufacturing enterprises. Due to its effectiveness, the use of ERP system as an enterprise management software tool has become widespread in spite of the presence and ava ilability of other products in the marketplace. There is but one daily practical problem that manufacturing organizations face in their operations whatever their products maybe and that is customers would always want products to be manufactured and delivered faster than one can actually make them. There will always be nearly impossible time frames and one is forced to comply if one is interested in surviving the competition. Plan manufacturing activities, delivery schedules and purchasing activities.

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 179

Essay Example The media’s contribution to marginalized groups and their political empowerment to know their rights and fight for them has given such groups a voice that they did not have before (Turner, 2000). The marginalized groups may be mistreated but when the media brings them in through communication using videos and cassettes their plight is eventually known throughout the world. Their way of life is eventually known, and people can relate to them according to the way they are without judging them harshly. Complex communication in societies has been an issue that is of great importance. The complex groups have been delved into to find out how they communicate with each other where they way they talk has been taped further the terms of the respective languages (Cody, 2009; Inoue, 1996). The concentration of backstage work is important in understanding the bigger idea, which involves the large group’s interactions. Therefore the communications between the various marginalized need to be analyzed in a clear manner especially their word usage to determine if they are close to the larger groups that are more diverse in their communications since they have interacted with many other groups. The different, therefore, communicate different and have their own political though not conventional as the larger groupings have. Therefore bringing them to a common ground is in important. CODY, F. R. A. N. C. I. S. (August 01, 2009). INSCRIBING SUBJECTS TO CITIZENSHIP: Petitions, Literacy Activism, and the Performativity of Signature in Rural Tamil India. Cultural Anthropology, 24, 3, 347-380.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing of services (research on O2, a telecommunications provider Essay

Marketing of services (research on O2, a telecommunications provider in United Kingdom) - Essay Example This commercial sub-brand of the Telefonica UK Limited till date has attained a total customer size of about 23 million. Adding to that, as per the ranking of Ofcom, which is an UK based industry, involved in the regulation and competitiveness measuring of various telecommunication industries, O2 has attained the highest ranking in context to customer satisfaction levels. This commercial sub-brand provides 2G, 3G and 4G network services all across UK. Apart from these, O2 also provides Wi-Fi services. It also owns nearly half of the shares of the Tesco Mobile Limited which is another network operator operating within the UK markets (Telefonica UK Limited, 2014). The main focus objective of this discussion is to effectively evaluate this commercial sub-brand (O2) and provides answers to the following provided questions which have been described in the discussion part of the report. Subsequently, conclusion and recommendation will also be provided accordingly in the later parts of this essay. As can be predicted, the main process for a telecommunication company is all about providing high quality communication and online data services to its customers. However apart from just the service provision activities, other services such as effective customer complaint handling, identification of the needs of the customers and fulfilling them accordingly and effective handling of all the organizational processes also falls under the process part of the extended marketing mix (O2online, 2009). The same goes for this UK based Telecommunication Company (Continuum Learning Pte Ltd, 2010). Moreover, as can be understood from this company’s insights that it provides utmost importance towards delivering high quality of communication service to its customers. Adding to that, the company also believes in context to establishing long term relationships with its customers through bringing about improvisation within their customer

Monday, July 22, 2019

Effective research based strategies Essay Example for Free

Effective research based strategies Essay Reading is an activity closely linked in the person’s ability to keep record. Readers aim to understand the meaning of the written text to enhance his or her knowledge and evaluate the significance of what they had read. Effective way of reading will be achieve by using the research based strategy of summarizing and note taking. This strategy will be a good help for the reader to recognize better the content of what he or she had read. Taking down notes of the unfamiliar words or phrases are useful tactic in reading. Those phrases and words will be a great help in the process of analyzing. Using the note taking strategy such as taking the important part of the text and looking for the meaning of the unfamiliar words will be an easier technique in understanding the flow of the reading assignment. Subsequently, summarizing what was given for a reader to read will be an effective way for him or her to know the useful content of the text. Removing the nonsense content and leaving the main points of the text will result a shorter and straightforward reading task. This will be easier and faster for a reader to evaluate the contents. In summarizing, the reader can also construct ideas in a way he or she can be aware of the same content of the text. One example intended for implementation of effective summarizing and notes taking strategy will be when there was a given assignment to increase a reading conception of a person. First, they should be well instructed on how to summarize the text. Teach them that while reading the content they should know how to remove words, sentences or phrases that doesn’t have much value and idleness, make the unfamiliar words uncomplicated to be known by giving terminologies that are simple to understand, likewise retain all the important points to be aware in the reading assignment, give a sentence that states the min idea of the paragraph. This was usually to be found at or near the beginning of the summary. Mathematics Mathematics as what defined to us is the study of connection between numbers or quantities. This kind of study usually needs of analyzing problems and familiarization of tricky formulas. Some persons are good in numbers and some are not, with this, the strategy in homework and practice will be a good help in learning. Particularly for students, it will be a good manner for them to do often solving problems not only at their schools but also at home. Given practice and home works sets of math problems will help students intimately familiarize their learning at this matter. Practice is one of the perfect ways in learning things because in doing it frequently has the high tendency to retain awareness and improve the performance. Homework in addition will train the students to have a study habit at home and must be in the guidance of their parents. Teachers will also be sure that their students are enforced to study their lessons especially when it was graded. They were sure that studying math problems by their students will be continued at home and not be left at schools only. An example for this will be giving students math problems to be done at home. Homework should fit the time of the students to answer and just to be sure that they will have a practice at home for more familiarity in solving math problems Implement proper instructions on how they have to answer the problems and appropriate recognition for finishing the given homework. Emphasize that they can ask support to someone at home but they should be the one to answer the problems, someone who will help them will only serve as guide for them to learn additional strategies and lessen the difficulties they encounter upon solving. Homework should be presented the next day after it was given to discuss and assess the result. So that if there will be a poor outcome it just imply that students still have to practice more concerning the topic and the teacher will know how to give his or her support to improve the learning system. Social Studies Social studies as we all know is the study that involves the relationship among people, and the environment. It also identifies the challenges and benefits of living in a different cultural and ideological society. Identifying similarities and differences will be an effective strategy to apply in this learning because here the learners will be able to connect ideas and make some patterns in order to construct thoughts on how they view their society. The difference and similarities can be use in societal study because in giving characteristics of that particular thing we have to make some comparisons and then develop system on how to organize such descriptions. Even correlations can still present the similarity of a thing and do some of comparisons by going further than the limited thinking of the learner and this will challenge him or her to much effective way in learning. Knowing the similarity and difference will explore more the thinking of the learner for the topic given and will be able to connect ideas easily. Example on how to execute similarity and differences for social studies will be in giving a topic concerning a particular society and let the learners explore their knowledge on how they can arrive to the similarity and difference of that topic. For the case of the societies before and nowadays, how can they build ideas by expanding their opinions in evaluating the scenarios occurred? Let the learners present all their ideas focusing on the topic then organize them by distinguishing the similar and difference. Thoughts that learners already know will serve as patter for them for create much higher thinking by knowing what they already know to that given topic. Integration of ideas through identifying similarity and difference will be an effective way to learn more in given topic and a good way to increase knowledge. Uses of realistic diagram such as images in comparing will also be effective to better analyze the particular situations and make it easier, this was the new approach on how learners express their ideas in creative manner. Reference: Focus on Effective Research Based Strategies, Retrieved August 16, 2007, http://www. netc. org/focus/strategies/them. php.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact of Social Media on US Political Campaigns

Impact of Social Media on US Political Campaigns Mass Media as a Representation of the First Amendment in Hillary Clinton’s Current Campaign In a recent video, Hillary Clinton has declared that she will indeed run for presidency in the year 2016. And while her usage of mass media is not unique to her presidential campaign, one could argue that hers is by far the one with the greatest reach internet users around the world grow by the thousands each day (Internet Society Global Internet Report) and is a perfect representation of how mass media has played an important role in her political campaign. The media, as you will see, can influence politics both foreign and domestic. Political figures, such as Hillary Clinton, use mass media as a tool to promote desired agendas in a presidential campaign. As the First Amendment states, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances† (Kluwer XXXV). In many ways, social media, and mass media as it is consumed today is a 21st century version to this foundational law, as it provides a platform for people across all social classes to interact and share their opinions, virtually and vicariously assembling without having to physically come together. She is certainly not the first, but Hillary Clinton’s usage of mass media epitomizes the representation of First Amendment in modern day society as a foundation to their campaign. Mass media is a diversified technology made to reach a large number of people by mass communication. Such technology is used to convey information electronically through a number of devices, for instance television, radio, recorded music and film. As well, Social media attribute to web-based technologies that provide platform for individuals and community to share, exchange information, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities like Facebook and Twitter. Politics has grown to be integrated with mass media since the development of one of the first successful newspapers ever, (Boston Newsletter) which was created over a century ago by John Campbell in the year 1704 (Baran). This was the beginning of an inevitable change in global communication. Since then, other media friendly devices have cemented their spot in the industry such as the television, the radio, cell phones and social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube). It is with these tools, protected by the First Amendment that people peek into what is going on in the world around us, from business to warfare, from sports to political events. One of the most renowned political events in history happened to be televised. â€Å"The great debate of 1960† between John F. Kennedy vs. Nixon on September 26th (Matthews). It was in this classic debate that both the world and all political figures had realized the importance of telegenics. Americans nationwide had a front row seat to the tremendous transformation of both society and politics and its cohesive relationship through television broadcasting (Baran). â€Å"Richard Nixon did not understand the power of television† (Matthews). Nine out of ten American families had a TV set in their homes by 1960 (Matthews). His misunderstanding led to his lack of personal preparation. It was documented that Kennedy rented out the top two floors of Chicago’s Ambassador East Hotel and studied homemade note cards filled with probable questions put together by his staff (Matthews). On the contrary, Nixon who is well known for his debating skills chose to sit and wait unti l the day of the debate. Moments before the debate, one of Nixon’s trustees, Henry Cabot, warned him to â€Å"avoid being his own Herblock caricature, the swarthy bully of Alger Hiss and Helen Douglas. Erase the assassins image! (Matthews).† Sources say that this was the final blow to Nixon’s defeat. As millions of Americans watched from the comfort of their home, his persona was shot down, what made Nixon the great debater, was now watered down into a spitting image of Kennedy’s gentlemen-like behavior. According to sources, Nixon’s angry focus is what might have been the missing ingredient in order for him to win over Kennedy and his TV friendly tactics (Matthew). Minor things like Nixon’s notorious 5 o’clock shadow might have been overlooked by the public even though it gave him a distinctively negative look as opposed to Kennedy’s clean cut nonchalant mien (Matthews). This debate was seemingly equal in verbal content but th e favoring persona belonged to Kennedy because of his telegenic preparation. It is not only about how one looks on television, it is also about what is said, how one says it and how everything is presented before the public. Hillary Clinton, unlike Nixon, is not ignorant to the importance of appearance positioning before the public through mass media. She uses television mass media and print media, such as the New York Times, to her advantage. Focusing even more on appearing confident and qualified for the presidential position. Hillary Clinton announced her official presidential candidacy on Sunday April 12th, 2015. John Podesta, a long time ally to Clinton also sent an official email to her supporters, then she launched a YouTube video to promote her campaign ad to the public (National Public Radio). This is the major relevancy of mass media and its recipients. The evolution of media has brought forth the bridge between the people and politics. Hillary Clinton’s campaign sets her strategy to further progress her public image and to improve her perception in the eyes of the public through social media among other public mediums. Clinton’s presence in the media, however does not begin during her presidential, and even her secretarial position in Congress. Born in Chicago, Illinois on October 26 of 1947, Hilary Clinton is the daughter of Hugh Ellsworth Rodham and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham (National First Ladies’ Library). Her parent’s firm emphasis on the importance of status and prestige, but most importantly, appeal and charisma before the public complemented her collegiate excellence at her various universities, particularly leading her to graduate as Senior Class President from Yale Law School and was an active democratic supporter (National First Ladies’ Library). She found a breath of inspiration in her early years to work in public service because of a speech delivered by reverend Martin Luther King (National First Ladies’ Library), a perfect representation of the First Amendment. In 1974 after the Nixon Presidential term was over she became a staff member of the Univ ersity of Arkansas Law School where she met her future husband Bill Clinton (National First Ladies’ Library). She was later married to the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton and became the 67th U.S Secretary of State between 2009 and 2013 (BIO). Although Hillary has had a colorful past in her career and in the public eye, she endured a taste of media publicity that most people would have rather left hidden. In 1998 the spur in the news about the Monica Lewinsky Scandal involving then president Bill Clinton and his affair with the 21 year old at the time was certainly not advantageous to her position in the public sphere. The media was engrossed and in and particularly at fault for the escalation of the events that had taken place. In addition to political media, it correlates with the First Amendment. â€Å"Protection of civil liberties and civil rights is perhaps the most fundamental political value in American society†(American Government). The ability to speak freely under minimal legal boundaries is a right known as Freedom of speech. This is one of the most protected liberties since it gives leeway for individuals to communicate their ideas. These ideas can be delivered through the various platforms described in earlier content. Prior to the construction of this amendment there was a limit to freedom of speech which suppressed people from becoming informed and spreading their ideas and involving their opinions in politics. â€Å"It was until the 18th century that freedom of speech was recognized in America as a shield against despotic government† (Germani). This was a step towards the right direction and a perfect example of freedom to petition. This includes the United States â€Å"ethics reform† bill which was intended to enable â€Å"grassroots lobbying†. This generally means a movement to enable members of the general public to communicate on matters dealing with the government or inspire and influence the other members of the general public to do the same. Mass media is playing a great role to bring about fulfillment of freedom of petition as a First Amendment. It achieves this by enabling citizens to focus government attention on unresolved issues in society; provide information through appropriate media channels about common policies, expose corruption, misconduct, incompetence and popular frustrations without harming the public order (Newton). This was the era mass media had established itself and it is evident when colonial newspaper publisher, John Peter Zenger, used his journalism to speak against the oppressive New York governor William Cosby (Germani). The First Amendment and freedom of speech has become imperative not only to the political world today but also to non-profit or third sector organizations because they allow people to prepare, speak freely and operate within wide limits. Hillary Clinton uses media to express her freedom of speech and appeal to many people especially the youth. The media helps her display her agenda to the public. A video released on Youtube Sunday 12, 2015, reveals Clinton’s plans to bring about new improvements in America involving the middle class portraying a positive image to her viewers. The Youtube video featured a black couple expecting a child, a young American-Asian woman and two men claiming to be getting married. This media platform in relation to freedom of speech helped her to bring about her main agenda. These individual rights come together to express, pursue, and defend our ideas. Mass media plays a great role in bringing about freedom of assembly through social media, television and radio. If we take a closer look at the political world in America, we see just how influential the media can be in creating awareness and perception that lead to critical evaluations by the public for public figures such as Hillary Clinton. In continuation, this freedom applies to all not only public figures, in which it could be manipulated into the reputable comedic parodies created by John Stewart and The Daily Show and their ability to portray Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton without punishable action or consequence, for example, or Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. These are the same rights that enable an individual to make complaints or have the sovereignty to deliver such a message without fear of reprisals. In Hillary Clinton’s recent presidential campaign, she addressed all group of people regardless of their religion. Some societies find it difficult to appeal to voters across different religious lines but this is completely different in America where it includes all people in political process, whether they are members of large. Powerful religious groups, religious minority or subscribe to no religion. Therefore through media, voters are encouraged to make their decisions based on their personal assessment, integrity and ability of an individual to lead people in an appropriate manner across the nation without bias based on religion. The candidate for election plays a great role in setting a great tone and example to be a leader of America through non biased religious campaign. History displays a restriction of freedom of assembly that limited people to be able to pursue and influence ranging groups of people; but with constant pursuit of the constitution and liberties covering mass media, there has been a significant change allowing individuals to gather and associate with any group of interest. Additionally, according to the records of colonial assemblies, there were no freedoms of petition until the period when mass media was reformed to address the issue. In the past, petitioning was in form of public dialogue but with the development of the constitution and media; the First Amendment has been adopted to enhance public views. In her current political campaign, Hillary Clinton addressed the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people around the world. She had also addressed the same issue in her â€Å"Free and equal in dignity and rights† speech during the international human rights day at the United Nation’s premises in Geneva on December 6th, 2011. Therefore she will be running the presidency as a pro-LGBT rights candidate. In this attempt to be the face of this new, up and coming era in gay rights, the public will provide analytical feedback through todays modern technology like never seen before (Chahal). The inevitable accumulation of analytical data serves as a representation of how far media has taken us in politics and how social media has fortified Hillary Clinton’s popularity in her current presidential campaign. In less than 24 hours after launching her Facebook page, on Sunday, 12 2015, she was able to accumulate more than 600,000 page views and 2 million video views. This is one of her campaign strategies used since she had earlier mentioned on the importance of social media and data in the 2016 general elections. According to observations made over time, social media and its massive interconnected sources, also known as â€Å"big data†, influence election decisions. For instance, â€Å"social data drove the 2008 general election and big data drove 2012 general election† (Chahal). Therefore, the â€Å"marriage† of the two data is expected to be the drive of 2016 general election (Chahal). To conclude, mass media plays a very important role in the election process, since most candidates who embrace technology and mass media, especially in a presidential campaign, normally have high chances of winning the election. There is a great change in the society with the innovative advancement of mass media to give rise to social Medias like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube which provide great platform for freedom of speech and assembly. Actually, politicians running for any kind of election no matter locally, statewide or nationally should plan their campaign properly by setting appropriate media devices to disseminate information and reach all people across different social classes and religion. As well, media plays an essential role in communication with voters; therefore, the media should represent standards by which people can evaluate political candidates. Finally, the First Amendment plays a great role in enhancing the freedom of press and media in the process of distributio n of information. It has opened a way for people to understand how the political world works hence election of sound and competent leaders. Whether Hillary Clinton successfully wins her presidential campaign relies heavily on her preparation before the public eye – media being the sensory vehicle used to connect with her it’s the closest thing one has to shaking hands. Works Cited American Government. Liberty and civil rights. 1 June 2014.  ushistory.  16 April 2015>. Baker, Gerard. The Clinton Affair: Gerard Baker Explains Why the Allegations over Monica Lewinsky Present Such a Threat to the US Presidency:: [London Edition].  Http:// 17 Jan. 1998. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.>. Baran, Stanley J.  Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture.  New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 2014. Print. Chahal, Gurbaksh. Election 2016: How Big Data Social Data Will Determine the Next President.  Election 2016: How Big Data Social Data Will Determine the Next President. 26 June 2013. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.>. First Lady Biography: Hillary Clinton.  Hillary Clinton Biography. The National First Ladies Library. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.>. Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to Deliver Keynote Address at BIO International Convention.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to Deliver Keynote Address at BIO International Convention. 14 May 2014. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.>. Germani, Steve. Learning to Give, Philanthropy Education Resources That Teach Giving and Civic Engagement.  Learning to Give. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.>. Hillary Clinton To Announce Presidential Bid On Sunday.  NPR. NPR, 10 Apr. 2015. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.>. Internet Society Global Internet Report. 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.>. Kluwer, Wolters. The First Amendment.  The First Amendment. Fourth ed. NY: Wolters Kluwer Law and Business in New York, 2012. 799. Print. Matthews, Christopher. GREAT DEBATE NIXON AND KENNEDY STAGED THE FIRST TV PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN DEBATE IN 1960 AND CHANGED POLITICS FOREVER.  San Francisco Examiner April  28 1996.  ProQuest.  Web. 21 Apr. 2015 . Newton, Adam. FREEDOM OF PETITION,PETITION RESEARCH. 10 October 2002.  firstamendmentcenter.  17 April 2015>. Thomas, Ken. Hillary Clinton Announces Her Second Run for the White House.  PBS. PBS, 12 Apr. 2015. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.>.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Copyright Law And Music Piracy

Copyright Law And Music Piracy In order to understand what music piracy is one must first define it. According to Piracy (2001), music piracy is when a person utilizes copyrighted music without either purchasing it, or petitioning the songwriter, or singer for permission to use the music. In the late 20th and early years of the 21st century, this has most often occurred over the internet when a person downloads an MP3 off of the internet off of a website that does not charge the user for music downloads. Prior to the music industry and the Recording Industry, and Artists of America (RIAA) choosing to prosecute internet users who download pirated music this most frequently occurred on sites such as Napster and Kazaa (both of whom now charge for downloads). Sites such as the ITunes store that have always charged for music and video downloads have remained free of prosecution as they pay a fee to the record companies for use of the songs. The music industry has chosen several different routes in their attempts to control music piracy and copyright law violation. First, they have chosen to sue file sharing websites such as Kazaa and Napster in order to ensure that these sites are charging for music downloads. The second method they have used to stop music piracy has been to monitor internet users, and prosecute those users that download pirated music. Finally, many record companies have begun to release copyright protected music that cannot be uploaded onto computers, or file sharing networks.

Manatees :: essays research papers

In 1493, when Columbus sailed to the Americas for his second journey, he and his sailors were the first Europeans to spot the present-day manatees. Because of their amazingly humanlike appearance these ancient sailors went home telling stories of mermaids.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the Spanish came over they hunted and ate these massive beasts. Since the early 1900's the manatee population has dwindled severely. Finally countries and smaller organizations began taking interest in saving the manatees. Laws and regulations were set so that manatees might be saved from extinction. This has been successful to a point, but still only very few manatees live and they must be nurtured in order to flourish.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Manatees are also known as sea cows because they graze on pastures of sea grass. They are air breathing creatures and most kinds can grow up to thirteen feet long during the average life span of sixty years. Manatees can weigh up to 3500 pounds. An average adult weighs between 1000 and 2000 pounds. They range from gray to brown in color and are primarily a plant-eating mammal. Sometimes they may eat small crabs, snails, or any other small animal that clings to the water grass. Manatees usually keep to themselves but when migration season arrives, they migrate in groups to warmer waters full of rich vegetation. During mating season they will also travel in groups.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mating season is not held at any particular time of the year. However when the females are ready to breed (about seven years old) they will rub certain parts of their bodies up against rocks or other things in the water where a matured male (three to four years old) will follow her. The female will then wait for her suitor or suitors to arrive. If there are more than one she will run from the group until she is ready to mate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are four different types of manatees. The most common type of manatee is the West Indian Manatee. They swim freely in fresh or salt water and use their tail to propel themselves and their flippers to steer. At the end of each flipper are three or four nails.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another type of manatee, the West African Manatee, has a similar appearance. There is not much known about this species of manatees but their population seems to be declining.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Amazonian Manatee is found in the Amazon River and swims only in fresh water. Manatees :: essays research papers In 1493, when Columbus sailed to the Americas for his second journey, he and his sailors were the first Europeans to spot the present-day manatees. Because of their amazingly humanlike appearance these ancient sailors went home telling stories of mermaids.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the Spanish came over they hunted and ate these massive beasts. Since the early 1900's the manatee population has dwindled severely. Finally countries and smaller organizations began taking interest in saving the manatees. Laws and regulations were set so that manatees might be saved from extinction. This has been successful to a point, but still only very few manatees live and they must be nurtured in order to flourish.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Manatees are also known as sea cows because they graze on pastures of sea grass. They are air breathing creatures and most kinds can grow up to thirteen feet long during the average life span of sixty years. Manatees can weigh up to 3500 pounds. An average adult weighs between 1000 and 2000 pounds. They range from gray to brown in color and are primarily a plant-eating mammal. Sometimes they may eat small crabs, snails, or any other small animal that clings to the water grass. Manatees usually keep to themselves but when migration season arrives, they migrate in groups to warmer waters full of rich vegetation. During mating season they will also travel in groups.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mating season is not held at any particular time of the year. However when the females are ready to breed (about seven years old) they will rub certain parts of their bodies up against rocks or other things in the water where a matured male (three to four years old) will follow her. The female will then wait for her suitor or suitors to arrive. If there are more than one she will run from the group until she is ready to mate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are four different types of manatees. The most common type of manatee is the West Indian Manatee. They swim freely in fresh or salt water and use their tail to propel themselves and their flippers to steer. At the end of each flipper are three or four nails.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another type of manatee, the West African Manatee, has a similar appearance. There is not much known about this species of manatees but their population seems to be declining.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Amazonian Manatee is found in the Amazon River and swims only in fresh water.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Gilman Exposed in The Yellow Wallpaper -- Yellow Wallpaper essays

Gilman Exposed in The Yellow Wallpaper      Ã‚   Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s short story, "The Yellow Wallpaper," is the disheartening tale of a woman suffering from postpartum depression. Set during the late 1890s, the story shows the mental and emotional results of the typical "rest cure" prescribed during that era and the narrator’s reaction to this course of treatment. It would appear that Gilman was writing about her own anguish as she herself underwent such a treatment with Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell in 1887, just two years after the birth of her daughter Katherine. The rest cure that the narrator in "The Yellow Wallpaper" describes is very close to what Gilman herself experienced; therefore, the story can be read as reflecting the feelings of women like herself who suffered through such treatments. Because of her experience with the rest cure, it can even be said that Gilman based the narrator in "The Yellow Wallpaper" loosely on herself. But I believe that expressing her negative feelings about the popula r rest cure is only half of the message that Gilman wanted to send. Within the subtext of this story lies the theme of oppression: the oppression of the rights of women especially inside of marriage. Gilman was using the woman/women behind the wallpaper to express her personal views on this issue. The two common threads that connect Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the narrator in her story are depression/postpartum depression, and entrapment within their roles as of women. Specifically, Gilman and the narrator are trying to escape the function society has placed on them. First, after fulfilling their expected duties as wife and mother, both Gilman and the narrator become depressed after the birth of their child. It is this d... ...f all "of those creeping women" trying to escape from the oldness that trapped them, acted as a premonition for changes in women’s rights movement (Gilman 89). For Gilman and her story "The Yellow Wallpaper" life is imitating art.    Works Cited Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. "The Yellow Wallpaper." Images of Woman in American Popular Culture. Ed. Angela G. Dorenkamp, et al. Port Worth: Harcourt Brace, 1995. 78-89. Kessler, Carol Parley. "Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1860 -1935." Modem American Women Writers. Ed. Elaine Showalter, et al. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1991. 155 -169. Scharnhorst, Gary. "Gilman." Reference Guide to Short Fiction. Ed. Noelle Watson. Detroit: St. James Press, 1994. 209-210. Wagner-Martin, Linda. "The Yellow Wallpaper." Reference Guide to Short Fiction. Ed. Noelle Watson. Detroit: St. James Press, 1994. 981- 982.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Love Me If You Dare †Movie Analysis Essay

Love Me If You Dare is a French love-story film that released in 2001. It doesn’t have the typical arragement of plot that is commonly used in Hollywod cinema, so this film is categorized as Non-Classical Narative Structured film. The narrative structure itself is engaged with the content of a story and the form used to tell the story. In order to analyze the narrative structure of Love Me If You Dare, here we are going to discuss more about â€Å"what†, â€Å"where†, â€Å"who† and â€Å"how† the story is. 1. Where is the story set? The story takes setting in France. It is not only the language used in this film that can be apply as a reason to prove, but also many French words that explicitly appear on the scenes. Such as ‘capus’ that printed on the body of school-bus, and ‘M.Le Directeur’ that hangs on the door of principal’s room. 2. What event begins the story? The story begins by depicting a block of cement whose a can of merry-go-round is planted on the top of it, then the voice of narrator starts playing to explain about the story behind that game. 3. Who are the main characters? The main characters are Jullien Janvier, a guy whose Mom has a serious illness and really adored to play ‘game-or-dare’ with his merry-go-round can; and Sophie Kowalsky, a naughty girl that always enjoys to play ‘game-or-dare’ with Jullien through years. 4. What conflict do they face? The conflict begins when both of Jullien and Sophie grow older and they have been realized by people around them that time has changed; it is not a time to do such a childish game anymore. Jullien has to pass an exam, Sophie too. The last time they see each other, Sophie forces Jullien to admit that the feeling they have is not only game, but Jullien refuses his own feeling. However, Jullien’s life after that goes much easier than Sophie’s. He becomes a success youg executive (proven by his vehicle and suits), while Sophie becomes a waitress in a cafe, and also has to deal with many junk guys. They finally meet again for over four years promise not to see each other. Jullien comes with the gesture of proposing Sophie, but actually what he’s done is asking Sophie’s permission to marry another woman. That’s when the story begins more complicated. 5. What happens to the character as they face conflict? Jullien fails to marry with the woman he choose because Sophie comes and messes it up. Jullien is angry, then he tries to kill Sophie by asking her to stand in the middle of railway. Sophie can survive herself and she’s angry to Jullien in return. They agree not to see each other again in ten years. 6. Who wins the conflict? In a particular time when Jullien and Sophie decide to separate, each of them tries to have their own life. But when the ten years has come to an end, they prepare themselve to see each other. From this scene, the audience can infer that none of them are win or lose the conflict. Because it reaveals that they actually miss, and still need each other. 7. What reward do they achieve? After getting unite and admitting that actually they made for each other, they decide to live togeteher forever by sinking theirself into flan mud of cement, so that they will be statued forever. 8. How is the major conflict in the story set up? Stressing how important the game for Jullien and Sophie ïÆ'   showing that much things is need to be thought seriously by the goes of the time ïÆ'   Jullien’s dad refusal towards Sophie ïÆ'   major conflict begins. 9. How are the main character introduced? Jullien as the first speaker and narrator ïÆ'   introduces who are around him 10. How is the story moved along so that the characters must inevitably face the film’s central conflict? Condition forces them to separate ïÆ'   Jullien changes in the first meeting after four years ïÆ'   Sophie tries to make Jullien be her again ïÆ'   fails ïÆ'   Jullien hates her ïÆ'   Jullien tries to kill her ïÆ'   they hate each other. 11. How is the dramatic confrontation set up as the film draws to its close? Jullien and Shophie hate each other ïÆ'   emptyness while they are apart ïÆ'   problems with their ow wife/husband appear 12. How does the film resolve most of the major conflicts set up at the outset? They prepare a meeting after ten years ïÆ'   Sophie traps Jullien ïÆ'   thing beyond their control happens ïÆ'   Jullien traps Sophie back ïÆ'   they reveal and admit their feeling.

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Shakespe atomic number 18 uses the antics of Oberon and hockey puck at the forefront of this comedy, using the succus to bring forth everyone fall in admire, however they slide due to their arrogance as Oberon vaguely describes Demerits by by the Athenian garwork forcets he hath on. The iambic meter indicates these char performers atomic number 18 mightful, yet their actions be unintelligent the plan of incompetent leadership is a pleasing stereotype, frequently used in salient comedy. Here, however, the joke is vexatious power, or sort of who we give power to, as Shakespeare portrays Oberon as using his power recklessly.The reason Oberon and Puck start squeezing the juice on the commit it awayrs is that the character overheard A sweet Athenian girl and a disdainful younker, and so, in the guise of trying to function them, he creates havoc. Borons aid, however, is a facade he only desires bind he agnises that Demerits doesnt love Helena back, and so he interferes. Th is mental berth reflects that of the Queens court as Louis Monitors puts it, Queen Elizabeth Xis marital status and her sexual condition were matters of the realm, reflected when Oberon plans to put the juice on titanic so that she renders her page to him.Oberon and Puck, thitherfore, are shown as metaphors for the male Elizabethan p fanny on where the men knew everything close the Queen and time-tested to control her in format to fulfill their interests they tried to force her into getting get married, and reproducing in order for the country to have an heir, honourable as Oberon tried to force Titanic to undersurfaceortment her mind when she defies him saying the coffin nail estate buys not the infant off me.Ultimately, despite Titanics rebellion, she straight away gave the changeling child to Oberon because he bitipulates her with he juice, rendering her love an ass this is comedic, especially when the character awakens and worries about being ena muchd to an ass n. The fact that it was the fairy queen to whom this occurred is signififannyt as this terminus was often a metaphorical eccentric to Queen Elizabeth in Renaissance literature.The juice is typic of ultimate patriarchal power however, in reality there is no juice to make the Queen repay and produce an heir for the State. Shakespeare and then is mocking State power as they can never obtain their desires because for once there was a ruler who resisted male authority. The state besides is shown by means of Oberon and this reference to an ass may actually be a reference to Oberon- whom is the one who has acted truly the ass and has Titanics love- and so the state itself.This male desire for power in seen, moreover, in the illness at the start of the play in Shakespearean portrayal of the relationship betwixt Hermit and Segues in regard to her woof of economize. Segues believes this hath bewitched the bosom of my daughter Shakespeare refers to black lovage here as this, dehumi difying the character and therefore highlighting the Segues has towards black lovage. Segues wants to dispose of his daughter to her oddment because she chooses someone other than who he wants a seeming betrayal.Segues parental constraint mirrors the expectations Elizabethan parents had for their children, leading to the 1 753 The Hardwired Act which void any marriages of people under 21 or if parental/ guardian concur was not granted 1 753 was later on the play was written demonstrating the dangerous legacy patriarchal Elizabethan England left. Segues also does not refer to Hemi by name through this passage, instead only using pronouns such(prenominal) as her, yet, the men are named doubly in it.This highlights the misogyny as the men, unconnected Women, are worthy of name- even Alexander who Was previously simply a this. The anonymity inflicted on Hermit reflects the fact that sooner the 1 7th century married females had no second enamel , evince the fact that she was lo wer than men and just a possession of either her husband or father, as seen as Segues claims Hermit is tap. Moreover, the idea of a Helena, a love-struck teenager, by-line her love who has rejected her is funny, until Demerits threatens to do thee impishness n the woods.The imperative highlights how big(p) this character is, and therefore- because Demerits represents a sort of Everyman- is symbolic of the threatening disposition of man, a nature also seen in the forcefulness of Oberon. This shooter takes place on the outskirts of the green knowledge domain (the forest) and so in a limbo among reality, sensuality and disorder we dont know what is possible here therefore do Demerits even more dangerous and gum olibanum amplifying the danger of his, and every mans, authority in this world, as we can see by Borons greater power. This scene betweenDemerits and Helena also emphasizes inequality he threatens this terrible act because a female character is stubble him for love, w hile he does the same to another(prenominal). This is ironical and paradoxical, making us question the attitudes Demerits represents it would pop out that it is fine for a bold man to stalk someone because they are- as Dorothy Leigh says- amongst the sharp, while when a woman is hard other women Will blush at their boldness2. The motif of rape appears symbolically when Oberon plans to manipulate Demerits, Alexander and Titanic when they are unaware at the eight vulnerability and exposure.Oberon attacks them with the juice, thus taking away their bequeath and dignity, in its place leaving distress- as a rape would do. In this case, Borons metaphorical actions are tearing apart the double chromatic of Hermit and Helena, striping their symbolic sisterhood to a union in division. However, this violent authority was not odd in the 17th century, and neither was it a crime that was prosecuted. It was a popular attitude that women were objects of beauty and obedience, as shown in pr ohibitionist Faustus.Faustus just wants a where wife, or an whoremonger of Helen of Troy, neither of whom had free will, and although these two plays are of opposite genres, the aggression towards women is seen in two. This shows how it is not only the genre of dramatic comedy, but renaissance theatre in familiar which holds a mirror to the darker issues of the day. Misogyny is yet seen at the start of the play where Theses claims to have won thy heart doing mirthfully injury, the connotations here of fury reflect the patriarchal period of the play.This is emphasizes because Theses took gayly from a injunction matriarchal Amazonian cultivation to one where she is objectified as nothing more than a prize (coven thy ) implying that this love between them is not what it appeared to be, but is actually another example of male control. As Alison Plowmen explains, aught had any objections to love as eagle-eyed as the price was right Theses will gain status and the potential fo r an heir. Contrastingly, Happily loses her independence and Persephone, thus foregrounding the both the literal and symbolic battle of the sexes throughout the play due to the male coercion.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Claudius the Machiavelli Essay

on that point argon many a nonher(prenominal) kinds of slew in the world. Some pack atomic number 18 kind, generous, caring, etc. merely in that respect be the kinds of people who ar selfish deceiving and actu anyy inhuman to those around them and unless puts themselves before other people, these are vitrineistics of a Machiavellian character. In the story of Shakespeare, critical point, shows a great example of a Machiavellian character Claudius. Claudius is the type of man who is imparting to go to the extremes in found to bac major power full(prenominal) stance of agency. He doesnt care for the well being of others and only cares about himself. In settlement Claudius faces many nemesiss to his position of power that has brought out his Machiavellian characteristics. Some of which are his leave aloneingness to kill and end the lives of other people, being very deceitful and trickery to those around him and manipulates and maps other people wi grand pianot t hin female monarch about the negative consequences it aptitude let on the people he is victimization, all for his high position of power.One of the characteristics that make Claudius a Machiavellian character is his leave aloneingness to end other peoples life for his possess gain whether it is countly or indirectly. In the beginning of the impart the introductory major power hamlet is bit by a glide and dies, as the people were told. The truth is Claudius, the previous king Hamlets sidekick murdered him married his wife and gained the title of the new-fashioned king. Claudius admits to his murder in the run in a form of a soliloquy, Thanks, my dear lord/ O my offence is rank, smells to heaven./ It hath the ancient eldest curse upon it,/ a brothers murder. Pray can i non./Can arrange my turn? forgive me my foul murder?/ That cannot be since I am still possessed/ Of those do for which I did the murder/ May one be par dod and retain the offence?/ Be soft as sinews of the newborn babe/ all may be well. (Shakespeare troika. III 38-75).In this purview Claudius admits to the audience by a soliloquy that he had murdered the previous king Hamlet and has gained a lot of things done the murder and he is not sorry for what he has done in order to gain his new title as the king. This shows the Machiavellian side of Claudius because he selfishly made the decision of killing person just for his receive selfish gain. on that point has been more(prenominal) than one time where Claudius shows his Machiavellian trait of essay to end someones life in order to move on his high position and power. In the play Claudius sees Hamlet as a threat to his life and safety. So Claudius arranges an execution for Hamlet in England. And, England, if my love molarity holdest aught-/As my great power thereof may give thee sense/Since save thy cicatrice looks raw and red/After the danish pastry leaf blade, and thy free awe/Pays homage to us- thou mayest not coldl y set/Our sovereign process, which imports at full,/By letters congruing to that effect, /The presend death of Hamlet. Do it England,/For similar hectic in my blood he rages/And thou must cure me. Till i hasten tis done,/However my haps, my joys were never begun.(Shakespeare IV. III 64-74).The previous iterate is said by Claudius. Claudius shows his Machiavellian side by this quote, in this quote Claudius shows his truthful intentions of why he is sending Hamlet to England which is to get him executed. The reason why is because he feels peril about Hamlets existence and is in the way of his plan in keeping his seat as the king of Denmark. Claudius has many more characteristics that label him as a Machiavelli. besides killing people directly/ indirectly he also deceives and betrays those around him in order to vertebral column up his true intentions. In the play, Hamlet, Hamlet by chance kills Polonius who was hiding behind the curtain in the queens room, ciphering it was Claudius. Hamlet finds out it wasnt polonius and soon people in the palace show out what recently took place and Claudius feeling threatened plans on sending Hamlet to England. Claudius tells Hamlet Hamlet, this deed, for thine especial(prenominal) safety,/ which we do tender, as we dearly grieve/ for thou hast done must send thee hence/ with bally(a) quickness.Therefore prepare thyself/ the bark is ready, and the wrick at help , thy associates tend, and everything is bent for England. (Shakespeare IV. III 43-49) in this scene of the play Claudius tells Hamlet he is sending Hamlet to England in order to reflect upon himself and his actions, however his true intention is being hidden which is Hamlets execution in England. This proves that Claudius is a Machiavelli because he is very deceitful to and disloyal to Hamlet by duplicity to Hamlet telling him that he is getting a sometime away from the kingdom in England for his knowledge receipts but is actually being sent off to get executed just so Claudius can keep his position of power and his life. There is more than one time Claudius has shown his Machiavellian traits by means of trickery, betrayal and lies. One part in the play Claudius says to Laertes To thine own peace. If he be right away returned,/ As checking at his voyage, and that he means/ No more to compact it, I will work him/ To an exploit, now ripe in my device,/ Under the which he shall not choose but fall./ And for his death no wind no wind of blame shall breathe,/ alone change surface his mother shall uncharge the practice/ And call it an accident. ( Shakespeare IV cardinal 66-73).During this quote the story has progressed to which Claudius first plan to get hamlet killed has failed and Hamlet has come back from England. In these lines Claudius reveals that he is going to trick Hamlet to which will bring hamlet to his certain death to Laertes. later on in the scene Claudius plans to trick Hamlet to drink a poisoned drink and to s abotage the vex between Laertes and Hamlet by poisoning the breaking wind of Laertes blade.These actions that Claudius is making proves that he is a Machiavellian because Claudius is victimisation tricks and deceit in order to get what he wants, which is Hamlets death. Other than using deceit, direct and indirect murder Claudius also shows his Machiavellian characteristics through and through purpose and tricking other people to do things in order to cover up his true intentions and to keep him out of harms way and he doesnt think of the negative consequences it might pass on other people. Claudius shows a perfect example of this through the use of Laertes in order to kill Hamlet. Not that I think you did not love your father/But that I know love is begun by time,/And that I see, in passages of proof,/Time qualifies the spark and fire of it./There lives within the very flame of love/A kind of wick or snuff that will abate it./And nothing is at a handle goodness still./For good ness, growing to a pleurisy,/Dies in his own too-much. That we would do,/We should do when we would, for this would changes/And hath abatements and delays as many/As there are tongues, are detainment, are accidents./And then this should is manage a spendthrift sigh/That hurts by easing.But to the quick of th ulcer/Hamlet comes back. What would you undertake/To show yourself in deed your fathers son/More than in words?/(Shakespeare IV VII 122-138).In this line Claudius tricks Laertes into falling into his hands allowing him to be manipulated. Claudius tricks Laertes to fight Hamlet with a poisoned sword not thinking about the negative consequences it might have. In the end of the play hamlet gets bump off by the sword but Laertes ends up end with his own sword as well. This is proof that Claudius is a Machiavelli because of using his cunning mind in order to trick people into doing his dirty deeds for him. some other point in the play where Claudius uses the art of manipulation f or his benefit is when he uses Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to accompany Hamlet to England for hamlets execution. espouse him at foot.tempt him with speed aboard,/ delay it not. Ill have him hence to night/ away for everything is sealed and done/ that else leans on the affair. Pray you make haste/ (Shakespeare IV. III 60-63) In the previous quote Claudius is ordering Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to fare Hamlet to England not knowing the letter they were carrying for England king decided their fate.Claudius thinking that Hamlet might not read the letter for his execution, actually did read it but then rewrote the letter and changed it so that Guildenstern and Rosencrantz will be executed in his place. Throughout the whole play Claudius has constantly used Guildenstern and Rosencrantz as his spies for Hamlet. Hamlet realizing this confounded all trust and faith towards Rosencrantz and Guildenstern leading them to their downfall. conditioned this Claudius still pursued in using Gui ldenstern and Rosencrantz for his own benefit without realizing the negative consequences it might have on them.Claudius is a Machiavellian who uses deceit and trickery, murder, and manipulation all for his own benefit. He shows these through the murder of his brother numerous attempts to kill hamlet by using other people and manipulating the people around him to keep his title as the King of Denmark. By doing things that will cause others pain and suffering for your own benefit may help you gain what you want in a short while but for the presbyopic run it will bring you to your downfall for no good deed goes unpunished.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

How is Stanhope Represented in the First Two Acts of ‘Journey’s End’?

The major limitation of our comprehension of walking is it is mainly descriptive.The play begins with a conversation between two officers – young Osborne and Hardy – and it is from how them that the reader gains a first impression of Stanhope.His soft drink problem is immediately addressed as Hardy asks, ‘Drinking like a fish, as usual? ‘ This presents him in a fairly negative red light however; this feeling is soon displaced as Osborne begins to defend him and offers some reasoning as to why Stanhope seeks solace in alcohol. We learn that he is in fact an extremely competent logical and well respected commander – ‘Hes a long way the best good company commander weve got and this point is emphasised in Act two as Raleigh writes in his letter, ‘Hes the finest officer in the battalion, logical and the men simply love him.Sherriff presents Stanhope as real hard working, and this is mentioned various times throughout the two acts.Those many applicants will be notified by the Division.When Trotter asks if he empty can go on duty half an hour three later so he can finish his first meal Stanhope refuses, unwilling to risk upsetting the schedule.He is consider also horrified at the state in which Hardy leaves the trenches, commenting that they smell like cess pits; click all this adding to the image that Sherriff creates of fear him as a fine officer. Stanhope is extremely worried about Raleighs general appearance as he is frightened he will write to his sister and tell her what he has become. His quick temper becomes apparent as he demands Raleigh hands his letter last over – he shouts, ‘Dont ‘Dennis me! Stanhopes my name! ‘ and even snaps at Osborne.

Additional many attempts to boost security and quality should how have involvement and commitment from several stakeholders.It quickly becomes apparent how that Mason is scared of Stanhope; we see an example of try this when Mason accidently gets apricots instead of pineapples – he is extremely concerned about what the captains reaction may be. This further enforces the new idea of Stanhope having a short temper. Stanhope has a complimentary close relationship with Osborne, much like deeds that of a father and son.Being twice his age, calm logical and level headed, Osborne is there to look after young Stanhope when he gets too ‘tight or to comfort him when he fears good for his sanity.Ironically, early instances of HGT may be an explanation for any number of these differences, but theyre not detectable.‘ Stanhope is a deep thinker – ‘Its a habit thats grown on me lately – to look right through things, logical and on and on – til I g et frightened logical and stop.He sees beneath the surface of things, one of the qualities deeds that make him a fantastic captain. This is demonstrated when Hibbert complains he is suffering from neuralgia; he sees through his pretence and describes him as ‘Another little worm trying to wriggle home. ‘ He believes it is wrong to feign illness – ‘Its a slimy thing to go home if youre not really ill, isnt it? ‘ Despite his disliking for Hibbert, after his first initial threat to shoot him he is clear understanding and comforting, even offering to accompany him on patrol.

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